Data Intelligence

Managing multiple data sources and cross-enterprise integration is essential to maximize opportunities for efficiency and value creation.

Do you collect a lot of data but lack the tools to process it?

Blimp's team of Data Scientists is available to help you extract the information from the whole mass of data.
The data provided come from Blimp sensors and third-party data sources (telco, mobile, FCD), which are integrated with those of the customer (e.g. receipts, apps, already installed sensors, promotions, etc.).

Data Driven Approach

Our approach

From a static approach to an interconnected system that combines data from the physical world and digital assets to create a single data platform.

What are the key steps?

Blimp data intelligence loop





Data intelligence to support business development strategy

How to access the data

Data insights, Dashboard and API

The data collected are available for use in the form of a custom report prepared by the Data Scientists team or via dashboard or API access.


The Data Insights service allows you to receive reports created ad hoc by a specialized team with detailed analysis on specific areas and for a specific time interval.

The report shows an a priori estimate of pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic in the monitored areas and an a posteriori assessment over a period of analysis.


The Urban Analytics service provides automated and continuous analytics on specific areas with daily updates.

Analytics are accessed through visualization on the cloud platform (dashboard) or via API.

Case Studies

Who chose us

Discover the projects that have already been implemented with our customers
Deep tech per il monitoraggio dei dati in ambienti urbani

On the occasion of the 2019 edition of Mille Miglia (15-19 May), Blimp sensors were installed on the vehicles to: measure the number of spectators along the entire route of the event and subdivided by stages; socio-demographic classification of spectators (age, gender, groups); define the volume of brand exposure for each stage of the route; monitoring through the acquisition system installed on board 4 cars distributed within the convoy.

Verified accuracy rate: 98.3%.

Deep tech per il monitoraggio dei dati in ambienti urbani