3 April 2024

Inside the Technology

Alex Buzzetti at INSiDER's microphones during the latest episode of Davide Fasoli’s “Dentro la Tecnologia” podcast to talk about the many applications of Blimp, from OOH/DOOH to Retail and Smart Cities to meet the needs of different stakeholders.

Nowadays, more and more companies understand the importance of data analysis to improve their work and products. In the recent period, moreover, public entities, such as large cities, are also trying to take advantage of tools such as artificial intelligence or big data analytics.

Digital metrics in the physical world

This is the goal of Blimp, which, by analyzing and processing different data sources, provides useful insights to make more targeted decisions and help companies and/or government create new services.

"How does the data collection system work? Proprietary sensors, called Head-Counters, extract data from the image and send aggregated anonymous data that is related to everything a human can count by seeing an image. Data such as counting and classifying pedestrians and vehicles. Why choose Blimp? Each project is carefully followed, and with the support of the in-house team of Data Analysts, the most important KPIs to monitor are defined with the client and help is provided in interpreting the data."